Zeplin Website


Tee shirts, patches, stickers: Impress your friends and neighbors – get your retro Zeppelin logo merch here! Zeppelin Design Labs 2950 N. Apache Zeppelin provides an URL to display the result only, that page does not include any menus and buttons inside of notebooks. You can easily embed it as an iframe inside of your website in this way. If you want to learn more about this feature, please visit this page. 100% Opensource.

Moving forward


Zeppelin Website

Hello all, and apologies for the delay in updating our website. If you haven't been following the activity on our Facebook Page, then you may not know that guitarist Steve Zukowsky has left the band, and we have brought in our friend John Wedemeyer as our full time guitarist. John played his first show with us last night at the 31st annual
Brea SummerFest in SoCal. We had a huge turnout (their biggest Friday night crowd to date), and the response to the new lineup has been overwhelmingly positive. Here are a few photos posted by our talented friend Steve Gaglio.


Official Led Zeppelin Website

Zeplin Website

Zipline Website

We thank you for your support, and for making the 'new guy' feel welcome. We feel the band has gained a second wind and the best is yet to come. Also, take a look at our schedule as we just posted some new dates, and there will be more coming soon.