Winamp Spotify

I want to tell you about my side project Winamp to Spotify. Digital transformation affected our music listening habits. Before Spotify or any other online music library we used to have mp3 archieves in our hard drives. The aim of this side project is collecting mp3 filenames from harddisk and create Spotify Playlist based on selected folder. So you will be able to listen old songs that you cannot remember.

Spotify on winamp

To use this you need a Spotify Developer Account. To use the Web API, start by creating a Spotify user account (Premium or Free). To do that, simply sign up at After creating a spotify developer account you should register an application through Dashboard.

After these 3 steps your application should be created successfully.

All codes reachable for Windows Form Winamp to Spotify porject I also created Web application of Winamp to Spotify.First page is below starts with authenticating to Spotify. After authenticating to Spotify API next page will welcome you. You should enter the path full to search mp3s. In general Winamp is a much better player, flac support, replaygain etc. In spotify I'd love to right click on any track (streamed or local) followed by clicking 'properties' to view details about that track. I have done a replaygain thread here. All codes reachable for Windows Form Winamp to Spotify porject I also created Web application of Winamp to Spotify.First page is below starts with authenticating to Spotify. After authenticating to Spotify API next page will welcome you. You should enter the path full to search mp3s. Downloading Spotify music is the only way to achieve it. Winamp supports music playback using MP3, MIDI, MOD, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV and more. At this point, you may need to turn to a third-party tool, that is, TunesKit Spotify Music Converter. It can enable you to download Spotify music and convert Spotify music to Winamp supported formats. Obviously, the format of Spotify music track cannot be. The Winamp player is born again with Spotify Premium. The classic Winamp media player closed its doors last December 20th. But they seem to have left the door half-open and returned to at least some of our desktops thanks to this new move to deploy the player alongside Spotify Premium accounts. Spotiamp is an app that lets you play your account playlists in an interface that combines Winamp with Spotify features.

After creating you will have ClientID and Client Secret values. After creating app from Edit Settings tab you should set Redirection URLs.

Winamp milkdrop spotify

By using link you can get your UserID of Spotify User ID.

To make it work ClientID, SecretID and UserID should be placed in exampleappsettings.config file.

Winamp Spotify Plugin

After settingthese config values application is ready to run. You can reach codes from


I learned Access Token based authorization .Net app by repo. Many thanks to Bart Simons (

Here is GUI of WinampToSpotify windows form app:

First step is getting Access Token. After getting access token select folder to process.To simulate Oauth process with callback I used webbrowser code from post.

Example folder I selected Black Eyed Peas.From selected folder path I get the Black Eyed Peas as a playlist name. For creating playlist in Spotify I made a post request to{YourUserId}/playlists endpoint.

In project, SpotifyClient.GetTrackUri method created for each track name{trackname} endpoint called and Returned trackuri stored in dictionary. TrackUri is unique identifier for tracks in Spotify API.

In project SpotifyClient. AddTrackToPlaylist method created for after getting all trackuri values these tracks added to created playlist. This is done by a post call to{playlist_id}/tracks

All codes reachablefor Windows Form Winamp to Spotify porject

Winamp Visualizer Spotify

I also created Web application of Winamp to Spotify.First page is below starts with authenticating to Spotify.

After authenticating to Spotify API next page will welcome you. You should enter the path full to search mp3s.

I selected Scorpions folder. And folder processed and created playlist in Spotify.

You can reachWinamp To Spotify web application codes:

Winamp Spotify

Any comments andsuggestions are welcome.


Spotiamp is for spotify premium subscribers only.

So maybe you tried milkdrop for winamp in the past and loved it but want to enjoy the milkdrop visualization with your spotify music. Recently spotiamp has been released (more info at which is a winamp style spotify player. Configuring milkdrop to work on spotify is slightly more complicated than it should be. To simplify things we have preconfigured it for you in a zipped up folder. Follow these instructions to get it working.

Be advised spotiamp is still a little buggy, click on eject button to select playlists.

1. Download the zip file from

2. Extract the zip file to the location of your choice.

3. Run Spotiamp.exe from the location you extracted the files to.

4. You should be prompted for your spotify login info. Login.

5. Once logged in go ahead and start playing some music then click here on the hard to see “V”

6. Click “Start / Stop plug-in”

7. You should see a window that looks like this, you can resize it by dragging the bottom left corner:

8. To activate desktop mode the coolest feature of milkdrop right click the window then click desktop mode.

9. Take a look at your desktop wallpaper now. To stop the wallpaper milkdrop just click on it then hit ESC. Pushing F1 will bring up help options. Once you close the milkdrop you may have to relaunch spotiamp to get it working again its a little buggy.